Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Cousin's Job! 7:12

Sooo, my cousin Michael Londria saw my older post and like wanted me to talk a little bit about what he does everyday. Mike does cellular respiration, which makes ATP for the cell. There are like 3 main parts (4 if you count Fermentation, but we don't do that). It starts with Glycolysis, Kreb's Cycle, then Electron Transport Chain. His whole purpose in life is to like make ATP. ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate which contains 1 part adenosine and like 3 parts phosphate. It is the energy that cells use. Most of the energy is like in the bond between the 2nd and 3rd phosphate groups. Energy is released by like breaking that bond. After the bond has bee like broken, the ATP is now ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate). That ADP can be turned into a new ATP by adding a new phosphate. That's all I gotta say about Mike's job really, so like laterrr!

Bye Bloggie!

Chloe :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dark Reactions, 12:12 AM

This post is about the darkest part of my job and day, like literally. It's about my 2nd shift, the Dark Reactions, AKA the Calvin Cycle. It's called the Dark Reaction, not 'cus like it happens at night, but it just like doesn't need the sunlight. To put simply, this part actually makes the glucose (food/sugar/C6H12O2). I just take in carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, combine it with the ATP and NADPH+, and voila! Glucose is at our service! Here's a pic to give a better understanding!

Bye Bloggie!

Chloe :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Light Reactions, 5:19 PM

The first part of photosynthesis, the Light Reactionshappens in the thylakoid membrane. I get the light from the sun which go to my chlorophyll (green pigments that like make plants green) that like get excited. Then H2O gets like split into O2 that goes off into the atmosphere and NADPH+. While that is happening, old ADP gets turned into ATP too, but not a lot is made. Only like 2 more hours of doing the Light Reaction! Here's a drawing of what happens in the Light Reactions:

Bye Bloggie!

Chloe :)

During Work! 1:23 PM

Omg, I've been working nonstop since my last post at like 7:00 AM and I still have like 5.5 more hours until the first shift is over :( Let me tell you about my job, photosynthesis. First, photosynthesis is just like an equation I have to do. The equation is 6CO2+6H2O+sunlight --> C6H12O6+6O2. Basically, I just have to like take carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight and make it into glucose, which is food/sugar, and oxygen! This also makes a little bit of ATPMost ATP is made by my cousin Michael Londria. There are like 2 parts to my job, the Light Reactions and the Dark Reactions (or the Calvin Cycle , it's like the same thing). Yep, so that's just what I'm doing now in the hot sun all day every day! Gotta get back to work or I won't like survive! Here's a pic to explain photosynthesis a little better:

Bye Bloggie!

Chloe :)

A picture of me! :)

My Morning, 6:51 AM

I just like woke up a little bit before sunrise and I was like soooo tired! So I just brushed my grana, which are like stacks of flat sacks called thylakoids, and washed my outer and inner membranes before working in the sun. The llamella connect the little grana together with little bridge-y-thingys. I cleaned my stroma, which is a jelly-like liquid that surrounds everything inside my membranes. I'll post a pic of myself later! Now I'm going to like start working at the only job I have, doing photosynthesis. I'll like explain it to you when I get back from my first shift.

Bye Bloggie!

Chloe :)