Thursday, March 24, 2011

During Work! 1:23 PM

Omg, I've been working nonstop since my last post at like 7:00 AM and I still have like 5.5 more hours until the first shift is over :( Let me tell you about my job, photosynthesis. First, photosynthesis is just like an equation I have to do. The equation is 6CO2+6H2O+sunlight --> C6H12O6+6O2. Basically, I just have to like take carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight and make it into glucose, which is food/sugar, and oxygen! This also makes a little bit of ATPMost ATP is made by my cousin Michael Londria. There are like 2 parts to my job, the Light Reactions and the Dark Reactions (or the Calvin Cycle , it's like the same thing). Yep, so that's just what I'm doing now in the hot sun all day every day! Gotta get back to work or I won't like survive! Here's a pic to explain photosynthesis a little better:

Bye Bloggie!

Chloe :)

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